Some Cyber Security Protection Measures to Prevent Your Business against Cyber-Attacks

Cyber-attacks on organizations seem unavoidable, at least with the current situation in the cyber environment. But security experts believe that, to a large degree, most of these attacks can be stopped if companies continue to take the cybersecurity protection measures set out below, explicitly designed to protect their businesses from cyber-attacks.

Make Investments in IT and Cyber Security 

We can't emphasize enough that every company needs to invest in multi-layer security, comprehensive backup, and recovery systems to mitigate the risk of cyber-attacks.

This is about being cautious and that the effects of an attack – which, of course, is better than finding out that your systems, are deficient and have to suffer unnecessary downtime, or paying a ransom for sensitive data to be decrypted or returned.

Keep Up-To-Date with All of Your Security Systems

There's no point in putting a security system in place and just not keeping it up-to-date, but this is something we're seeing all the time. The capacity of attackers is growing constantly and scams are continuing to grow, which means that you still need to have the latest definitions or software releases to stay safe.

This also refers to all the company-owned mobile devices, not just the office technology. Although your workers are responsible for securely using their equipment, it is also important to do your due diligence to ensure that the machines are periodically updated. If mobile devices are owned by employees, then the BYOD guidelines for accessing the company's network need to consider safety risks and implications.

Check the Backup and Security Systems Regularly

There wouldn't be anything worse than assuming that you've got all the right backups and processes in place, only to find out after a cyber-attack that everything wasn't working as it should. Daily testing should be part of your IT strategy to ensure that you are never left vulnerable to an attack. A non-tested DR or recovery plan is not a plan.

Are you prepared for a cyber-attack? Or are you just responding when you need to? To learn how Resolute Consulting Group LLC can help you safeguard your business against IT and cybersecurity threats and help you grow your business, please visit or call at (832) 835-5353.


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