IT Service Provider Can Do More Than Just Protecting Against Network Threats

 Many small businesses choose to forego IT Service Provider, they instead try to manage it on their own without the assistance of dedicated cybersecurity professionals just by utilizing basic antivirus software and informing employees on how to evade cyber threats like phishing emails and malware.

However, this logic is flawed for a multitude of reasons. For starters, there are so many cyber threats and ways for them to infiltrate your network that antivirus software and employee cybersecurity training cannot fully protect against them all.

Hackers, for example, can gain access to your network by exploiting open ports on network-connected devices. Because the average person does not know how to secure their network's ports, security gaps may exist that you cannot close.

However, network security is not a one-time task that can be completed and then forgotten about. It is a continuous process that evolves with cybercriminal tactics, which is why paying someone to secure your network or remove a threat will only work temporarily.

Furthermore, managed IT service providers complete critical additional tasks that accomplish more than just network security. They can, depending on the type of IT you use:

Equipment upgrades− If your company requires new computers or other network-connected hardware and software, doing so yourself can be time-consuming and complex, and the costs of hiring someone to install it can quickly add up. IT professionals can handle these tasks for you, saving you time and money.

Facilitate with office relocations, expansions, and transitions to a remote environment − Opening new office locations and moving to a remote office involve so many moving parts that effectively setting up your network can be overlooked or left to costly break/fix companies. IT professionals can alleviate the burden by completing these tasks themselves.

Data Backup− If your company's network goes down, you may have to restore it to the most recent backup, losing all data that was not backed up in the process. IT professionals can automate efficient data backups to reduce data loss during a network outage.

Reduces Downtime - IT professionals effectively minimize network downtime by automating data backups, and utilizing software to thwart cyber threats that can cause network outages.

Maintain regulatory compliance − IT professionals can help businesses that must comply with data privacy regulations like HIPAA by taking measures to preserve sensitive data, such as implementing role-based safety measures within your network.

These extra tasks alone can justify the cost of hiring IT professional services, as they are critical in maximizing productivity, planning for the future, and protecting company data in the event of a network outage. To learn more about the role of IT service providers for the growth of your business, please visit Or call any (832) 835-5353.


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